jeudi 25 novembre 2010

Atom-powered Areal Atom inspired by Ariel Atom

Atom-powered Areal Atom inspired by Ariel Atom

We like the play on words and definitely enjoy the inspiration on the Ariel Atom, but we’re a little disappointed that this vehicle won’t be making the production line in the near and far future.
Conceptualized by Singaporean designer Muhamman Imram, this dandy of a futuristic vehicle is called the Areal Atom, a car that’s so technologically advanced way beyond its years it actually is powered by a real atom. Get it, now? Areal Atom…A-Real Atom.
Inspired by the Ariel Atom, Imram’s piece of work is different from the real-life Atom because of one pretty important detail: The Areal Atom will be powered by a real atom.
According to Imram, the increasing number of countries relying on nuclear power could one day lead to its energy being used in other ways. One scenario Imram thinks could happen is that while electric vehicles may be the increasing trend in the near future, another energy source – nuclear energy – could one day end up revolutionizing the future of the auto industry.
Whether that happens still remains to be seen, but if you look at Imram’s crystal ball to a world where nuclear energy is used for the right reasons, then we can definitely see the auto industry taking the leap to previously unchartered territories.

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