mardi 14 décembre 2010

Toyota Land Cruiser 2010

Land Cruiser 2010Toyota has presented new generation of well-known off-road car Land Crusier. Developers have tried to make the car more comfortable and exact in steering on asphalt, and, at the same time, to improve its off-road qualities. The last, concerns, first of all, to realisation of possibilities of the car by drivers of an average level of preparation for which have prepared electronic assistants.
System Multi-terrain Select automatically regulates giving of capacity and braking powers for various types of a covering. Function Crawl Control allows to choose one of five modes for movement on extreme impassability without gas and brake use and helps to get out got stuck in a dirt or sand to the car. Four chambers on body corners provide the driver with the additional information that is useful both in cross-country conditions, and on a parking. A new counter – the separate monitor displaying an angle of rotation wheels.

Land Cruiser 2010

Land Cruiser 2010

About a frame body it is informed that its cruelty is increased by 11 percent, the noise isolation also is improved. While specifications for the British market are declared only. One engine will be offered local buyers only: the modernised 3-litre diesel engine capacity of 171 h.p., working together with 5-step "automatic machine". To other countries of Europe also it will be accessible petrol 4-litre V6.

About design of a novelty to tell, perhaps there is nothing, besides, that it is next Land Cruiser – at first sight rude and even slightly become outdated, however not bad worked and not becoming outdated. In it there is a logic – quality, strength and durability are considered as the main qualities of model. In Great Britain the model will go on sale in December of this year, in other countries, probably, a bit later.

Land Cruiser 2010

Land Cruiser 2010

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