mardi 14 décembre 2010

Rossin-Bertin Vorax from Brazil

Rossin-Bertin VoraxIn Brazil is created one of the most beautiful super cars of the present time – Rossin-Bertin Vorax. At last the dream of the former designer General Motors Farris Rossin has come true. He wanted to construct for a long time the car which becomes the brightest sample of automobile design. But to realize dream in GM was enough problematic so he decide to go away from GM. However, there was one problem – money. Not a secret that similar projects, demand considerable capital investments. But also Rossin has overcome this barrier, having got a support of Brazilian businessman Nataliano Bertin.

As a result has turned out one of the most original super cars of the present – Rossin-Bertin Vorax. To tell that this car is only beautiful, means not to tell anything. Rossin-Bertin Vorax is typical design thing where the talent of its founder is visible literally in each line, each break and each detail. Technical stuffing also perfect.

Car heart is the engine– atmospheric five-liter Bavarian ten capacity of 507 h.p., established on BMW M5 and M6. But Brazilians have gone further away and have supplied the motor with a supercharger therefore its capacity grow up to 750 h.p. With the engine is aggregated seven-step sequental check point. In atmospheric variant the car overcomes first hundred for 3,8 sec and is dispersed to 330 km/h, and the version with a supercharger carries out the same exercise for 3,5 sec, and maximum speed makes 372 km/h. Rossin-Bertin Vorax has 1300 kg weigh and is constructed on traditional super cars technologies – an aluminum frame-farm and body panels from carbon.

The first Brazilian super car will go on sale in the end of 2011 and will cost $700 000. Thus ambitious Brazilians plan to sell from 500 to 1000 cars. Plans, of course, the Napoleonic. And, most likely, impracticable, considering the rather big price of the car. Despite reference beauty of this car hardly there will be even one hundred wishing to give $700 000 for this car. And the word combination Brazilian super car, sounds while unusually and will promote hardly to increase in sales. However, it isn't main purpose for Farris Rossin. The main thing that he has carried out the dream, having created the unique car, the brightest sample of modern automobile design.

Rossin-Bertin Vorax

Rossin-Bertin Vorax

Rossin-Bertin Vorax

Rossin-Bertin Vorax

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